Monday, 10 September 2018

Bukit Jalil Park @ 10/09/18

Since Monday was a public holiday, was supposed to bring kids to Taman Saujana Putrjaya but kids wanted to go Bukit Jalil park. Both still remember the zip-zap path that can run up to the top. They came here before but not with mommy. So, this time they wanted to show mommy around. 😃

Kids can't wait to run on the zip-zap path 😄

 Look at her face....very enjoying her run. 😁

View from top of the park.

Han still remember I told her that late mom liked the Lily flower. :)

Both of them started to compete....
In front of the Bukit Jalil stadium

Mommy said she wanted to join in also.

She runs fast and wants to take a picture here.

Say cheers......😄

 I told her I was in Auckland, New Zealand for almost a year. 

Nice view at the lake

Sunday, 9 September 2018

RunWild (3rd Series) - 09/09/18

Finally, here come the 3rd series of Run Wild at MARDI, UPM. Arrived the event place around 6:30am. The run started at 7:30am.

It's 7am, 30 minutes to go before the race starts.

7:11am. Still waiting for runners to arrive

The last series of the year in December....crash with my primary school mates gathering trip, from 7 Dec to 9 Dec 😅. Need to figure out whether can arrange something out or not.

The running route and some sponsors details.

Mike is giving briefing about running routes and safety information before the race starts.

Yes, I done it, awesome ! 😃

Timing was 1 hour 12 minutes, it's better than the last RunWild in Semenyih.

 I was observing my heart rate during the run. The max was 181 bpm and it's above my average max of 170 bpm, but I never slow down. 😃

 The route recorded by the watch.

The hardest route was from 3.7km where we have to ascent from altitude of 68m to the highest 147m at 5km.  It took me 13 minutes to run a distance of 1.3km.

Finished runners resting

My bib number.

The finisher medal.

 Finally, the result. Overall position 55th and in my category, I was 8th out of 23 runners. Not bad huh 😁

Saturday, 8 September 2018

Visit OKU Centre @ PJ Sec 1 - 08/09/18

Since Han only has to attend Abacus mental arithmetic on Saturday, decided to bring her and Xuan to visit one OKU centre in PJ. The reason was to let them have a look of those unfortunate people so that they can learn something. The other reason was to contribute money on behalf of company as one of my ex-manager received a donation booklet from this centre and the person contacted me a few days early to check the donation status. After getting the consensus from Charity Committee Members to make some donation, I decided to come here to have a look myself so that maybe in future, the company can organize one activity here.  

The place is clean and organized. According to a lady that I spoken to, this centre only established in 2016 by a group of 10 samaritans. The initial setup fund was RM200,000. This centre only hire a few full time local staff to manage the centre and 5 Filipinos to look after those OKUs. Currently this centre has about 30++ OKUs.

One man's hand are being tighten to the chair because he is very hyper-active and will grab whatever to put inside his mouth.

This man came to me and gave me a paper with some drawing on it, the PIC told me he only selected people to give his drawings. Meaning, I was the lucky person ? 😁

This is the drawing the boy gave to me. Though I don't understand the meaning but I believe this is part of the boy's world. The PIC even told me if I could figure out any numbers on the drawing, I could go and buy. Some people receive this boy's drawing and strike lottery. 😄

 It's quite sad when I heard this little 6 years old girl was diagnosed with brain hypoxia (腦缺氧) due to negligent of a nurse when she was born.

 This is the expenses and necessities at the centre. The PIC said the monthly needs will be updated from time to time, depending on generosity of public and the availability of internal fund.

Durian @ SS2 PJ - 08/09/18

Durian always is my favorite. After lunch in SS2, decided to come here for my durian and Han also likes this King of the fruit very much.

I did not know this stall is so famous for the Hong Kong actors until I checked its website

Red Prawn or Udang Merah...taste sweet, Han likes this very much.

X.O. tastes sweet and bitter.

Han & Xuan enjoy so good that both of them also like Durian like me 😁

Total bill RM139. According to the cashier (assume she is the lady boss), now is the end season of durian, that's why the price goes up again.

Wednesday, 5 September 2018

Jogging @ 5/9/18

Woke up 4.40am for my 2nd jog within this week. 3 days to go before my WildRun at Mardi, Serdang this Sunday. The waist pain has reduced much. Will go for last jog this Friday. 

34 minutes to complete the jogging.

The normal route

Monday, 3 September 2018

Jogging @ 3/9/18

I have stopped jogging for almost 3 weeks. The last jogging was on 12/8/18. Went for my camping and hiking trip from 18/8/18 to 20/8/18. Then found myself having stomachache the next day after the trip. Seemed that I was infected by virus for drinking the stream water up in the mountain. Went to consult doctor and got a medical leave with some medicines. Rested for a week.

Having bad luck or my bad kamar :) Sprained my back waist on last Sunday while doing my plumbing works at home. So, have an excuse not to jog for the whole week again .

Though not fully recovered, I tried to have a jog this morning as I have a running event this Sunday. If the pain still persist, then I have to let go this Sunday's event. However, after the run, there was not much of pain at the waist. But I need to see the condition on Wednesday after my 2nd jog. If the pain goes away....then very likely I can go for the running event. Let's see........

Sunday, 2 September 2018

Jing Xuan Concert - 12/08/18

Jing Xuan concert was held on 12/8/18, Sunday 4pm at SJKC Chee Wen in USJ1. Her costume this year was Malay and of course to perform a Malay dance with her classmates.

Beautiful girl 😊

Mommy helped her to make up

The Theme of the Year
She was awarded the Best Reader Award. 😄

A photo with her class teacher, Teacher Loke.

Xuan's Trophy
Beautiful princess dance