Stomach has been feeling uneasy since the Gunung Rajah camping trip in Aug. The bowel movement not good and stool was not in solid form. After some research from the internet, decided to go back to
Sunway Hospital to consult Dr Tan. Made the appointment on Monday.
Nurse asked me to come at 8am, I arrived after sending Han to school and was the first 😃
I consulted
Dr Tan since years ago. A friendly and a good doctor, will answer your questions in details. After telling him my conditions, he advised me to do the endoscopy. I also asked him for people who is aged 50 and above, how frequent has to do the endoscopy, he said that under normal condition, every 5 years. However, it depends on individual health conditions, if during the scanning discover abnormality, then it would be a different story.
Nurse brought me to the Endoscopy center and have to register again. After filling in the relevant forms, a nurse brought me into a room, checked my weight, height and finally my blood pressure. My weight was 65.6kg which is my targeted weight 😄. She then explained to me the procedures to prepare for the scanning and show me to the toilet to change my cloths.
A tag for every patient.
Every patient has to drink this laxative to clean the intestine. Not a very good taste. The nurse told me have to purge out a few times and only call the nurse to look at the stool after 4th time. After 3 jugs of this laxative, I managed to clean mine. By the time was about 11:30am. However, waited for almost 3 hours before my turn. The Doctor already informed there would be many patients today and have to wait.
After the scanning, still have to wait for quite sometimes before saw Dr Tan. He told me the result is normal. My conditions may due to consuming dirty food, not eating on regular time and stresses. He prescribed me some medicine and asked me to come back again after a week.
An instruction for every patient upon discharge from the hospital. I informed the nurse during registration that I wanted to use my insurance to pay for the medical bill. To my surprise, this time the process was pretty fast, I got the approval from insurance company during my scanning process. The nurse passed me the medicine prescription form and told me I do not have to pay. But when I requested for the invoice as I wanted to know how much was the cost, she told me she would give me on my next visit. Not sure whether my insurance paid the full amount or partial because my credit card was charge for the deposit of RM500.
antibiotic that is used to treat a wide variety of infections.
This is used to treat symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and similar problems such as chronic irritable colon, spastic constipation, mucous colitis and spastic colitis.
This is to use for treatment of gastrointestinal symptoms, chronic gastritis such as sensation of bloating, early satiety, upper
abdominal pain or discomfort, anorexia, heartburn, nausea and vomiting.
To treat certain stomach and esophagus problems (such as acid reflux, ulcers). May also be given to prevent gastric ulcer caused by infection with Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori).