Sunday, 18 February 2018

CNY 2018 Visit

On the CNY 3rd day, we visited our 3rd uncle and auntie house in Sg Buloh together with my siblings and cousins. Arrived there about 11am, chatted with 3rd auntie and my cousin. Got to know that 3rd auntie has a Alzheimer's disease and is now on medication. 3rd uncle had once fell down in the toilet and had a mild stroke on left side of the body.

My cousin, eldest daughter of 3rd uncle is working in KL and often come back to the house during weekend to look after both the parents.

The youngest daughter who is married, staying and working nearby the housing area will come home during lunch time and at night to cook for them. Got to know also her husband was once diagnosed with nasal cavity cancer a few years ago and went for the Chemotherapy treatment and is under control now. But he also suffered a stroke and business partner, after knowing the incident, decided to leave the business. 😞. He is now applying for SOCSO compensation and OKU or Persons with Disabilities status from the relevant agencies. Hopefully he can succeed to get the financial assistance from SOCSO.

Life really isn't easy for them but life has to move on. May them get the blessing from Buddha. 🙏
We left at 12.30pm for our next visit.

Group photo for all to remember.

After lunch at Mc Donald, we went to mom's side cousin house. The next stop was mom's brother, we call him Di Gu (2nd uncle). He is already 90 but still in good health, heard he still can drive car ! 👍👍 It was my first visit to late mother side cousins after so many years. Sisters normally did the visiting on CNY 2nd day but since this year, the visiting day changed to 3rd day, I managed to join them. We stayed there for a short time and went to late mom's sister house, which is also nearby.  

 Penang Lobak (槟城五香肉卷), prepared by 4th auntie. Very yummy.

Six herbs sweet soup or 六味糖水 also very delicious

Malaysian style pickled vegetables or we also called it achat. Spicy 

After mom's side cousin visit, we went to father's side cousin house (6th aunt is staying), the final one before we went to Puchong, Hakka Passion restaurant for our reunion dinner.

  While waiting for others to arrive, we have a family photo 😃

The restaurant's tables are fully booked

Preparing the Yusheng or we called it Luo Sang

May all bless with good health, happiness and prosperity in the year of Dog !

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